When selecting supplements remember that 'Heme' iron is better absorbed by the body

What is it?
Iron is an essential trace element.
What it does
Iron is essential for making hemoglobin, which is used for the transportation of oxygen in red blood cells. It also supports enzymes that have a role in the metabolism of protein and Vitamin Bs.
An excess of Iron can occur in some people. This has a negative impact on vital organs and is often associated with a ‘fatty’ liver.[1]
Food Sources
There are two types of dietary iron, heme (from animal sources) and non-heme (from both plant and animal sources). Heme iron is better absorbed by the body. [2]
Iron is found in red meat, poultry, liver, fish, beans, dried fruit, tofu, sea vegetables, whole-grain products and dark green, leafy vegetables. Many foods are ‘iron-enriched’.
The body gets much of its iron from ‘recycling’ blood cells that have reached the end of their life cycle.
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
Canada’s RDA can be found here.
Molecular Dosage Range
Orthomolecular practitioners can recommend iron supplements, dietary changes, or treatments to reduce iron levels. Excess consumption, especially over many years, can lead to toxicity.
[1], site reviewed august 2016
[2], site reviewed August 2016