Vitamin B12

What is it?
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin and unused vitamins leave your body through your urine. As your body does not store this vitamin you need a regular supply in your diet or through supplementation.
What it does
Vitamin B12 is important for the formation of red blood cells, the maintenance of a healthy nervous system, protein metabolism and manufacture of DNA. [1] Symptoms of deficiency can include a smooth, sore tongue and menstrual disorders.
Food Sources
Plants don’t make vitamin B12. It can be found in meat, eggs, poultry, dairy products, and other foods from animals.
Strict vegetarians and vegans are at high risk for developing a B12 deficiency, as are people with conditions that interfere with food absorption, e.g. bowel disease, bariatric surgery. Acid is necessary to absorb Vitamin B12 so heartburn medication can reduce absorption.[2]
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
Canada’s RDA can be found here.
Molecular Dosage Range
Orthomolecular practitioners may recommend dosages that are at a much higher level than RDA levels.
[1], site reviewed August 2016
[2], site reviewed August 2016